Values and Beliefs

We value speed, agility and spontaneity

We value speed, agility and spontaneity, in an environment where people are committed to the rapid growth of the business through displays of consistent excellence, augmented by bursts of genius. We believe in risk takers who take the team with them, who have the visionary leadership and communication skills to capture the imagination, and paint the future in clear and positive dimensions.

We value our people

We value our people. Without them outrageous customer service would not exist, a lightening response generated through speed, agility and spontaneity would not occur, and our lives would not be as rich had we not worked together in an environment of mutual respect and heaps of fun.

We believe in an open and honest working environment where people feel valued, where they are well informed and can ask anything; where they feel secure to be provocative and where morale is high. We believe in straight talk.

We believe in learning and education, and view it as a continuum. We will provide learning opportunities to our people.

We believe in being an employer of first choice.

We value success

We believe success is a cause de celebre. We celebrate success and recognise our heroes, individually and as a team.

We believe in the restlessness of a high performance culture, where comfort zones are gladly relinquished for the discomfort of risk taking and the ultimate success it brings.

We treat failure as a wise friend; we are human therefore we err. However, we will not accept silver medals where gold was lost for lack of commitment. We value tenacious learners who accept accountability and who never make the same mistake twice.

We value letting things go.

We value performance

We believe performance is the lifeblood of our organisation. Not just financial performance in isolation, but the synergy of people, the organisation and the community as a whole – and therefore the positive effect we are able to create for New Zealand.

We constantly strive to achieve higher levels in all aspects of our performance. Our customers are our best consultants; we are open-minded to the performance feedback they provide.

We value the agility it takes to change.

We believe in the employee – profit chain…
Empowered employees with high morale = highly satisfied customers = profit.

We value innovation and creativity

We believe everyone has the potential to be innovative and creative. It helps to be a little weird but you don’t have to be. It needs the right environment; Hunter Powell Investment Partners and our portfolio companies will create it. It needs the right education; we will provide it. It needs to be applied; we’ll take the risks.

We value the creative spirit and we are tolerant of weirdoes.